After participating in the Leadership exCHANGE program in Prague this past summer, I returned home to the United States with a newfound sense of compassion and commitment to be a change agent. Most importantly, I wanted to give back to Leadership exCHANGE not only for inspiring me to be the person I am today, but also for motivating me to work towards being a better one tomorrow.
I was invited to be a Student Coordinator for the January Impact Hub Crawl in Prague and Vienna. If you don’t know what this position is, I would describe it as a hybrid between a program coordinator and student participant. My responsibilities ranged from managing social media and program operations, fulfilling the role of teacher’s assistant and being a 24/7 support system for all participants. I would not have changed this experience for the world; however, I would like to share the valuable skills and qualities I have gained from this experience.




By: Colleen Judge, Leadership exCHANGE Alumna

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